Year 1 & Year 2
Providing children are well enough, please choose some activities from this list of suggestions during an initial, short term absence.
- Reading and talking about their school reading book or other stories at home
- Login to either Oxford Owl or Collins Big Cat websites for further reading books and activities
- Choose games or activities on the Phonics Play website (username: TorrisholmeCP password: phonicsplay)
- Login to Mathletics using your child’s individual login
- Children in Year 2 can login to Times Tables Rockstars using their individual login
- Using the website, use the search facility to find Key Stage 1 maths activities
Wider Curriculum
- Login to Purple Mash using your child’s individual login and choose from a range of games and activities
- Choose from English, maths, science, history and geography lessons and activities on
- Choose lessons and activities from many areas of the curriculum by choosing from the ‘Pupils’ and then ‘Key Stage 1’ section on
- Choose learning clips and activities on by logging into the Espresso section (username: student18447 password: athome)
- Get active by choosing a video on the Cosmic Yoga channel or a workout with Joe Wicks