Spring 1
WOW! What a busy start to the half term! We all came back from the Christmas holiday excited and ready to learn! Just look at what we have been up to.
Chinese New Year
We have been learning about celebrations from other cultures and are enjoying learning about Chinese New Year.
We have made lanterns to decorate the classroom and have made some concertina dragons. They were a bit tricky but we all kept trying and did a really good job.
In PE we are continuing to develop our fundamental movement skills.
This half term we have been off to Space! We have been practicing jumping and landing (over craters!), crawling under bridges, balancing on our toes to cross the planets, catching falling stars (balls) and used bats and balls to push the rocks out of the way.
What fun we had in the snow! We played at catching the snowflakes, making snowballs and tiny snowmen.
"I liked it because I kept getting snowballs in my mouth."
"I threw a tiny snowball at everybody!"
"I love the snow!"
"The snow is light."
"The floor is fully white!"
Reading challenge

We have enjoyed the reading challenges! We have to match a picture on our checklist, read the word and then match it to a picture on our sheet.
Our next steps will be to write the words we find and then read them to a teacher to help us practice blending and to remember what we have written.
Representing numbers
We have been learning about how numbers are represented. We have had lots of practice at finding numbers represented in different ways and found other people with the same number representation as ourselves.
RSPB bird watching week
Such fun was had during the Big Bird Count fortnight. We used the bird hide in our outdoor area to find and identify birds, made bird feeders to help the birds find food in the cold weather and went on a bird count around the school grounds. We had to be very quiet so that we did not scare the birds away! It was fun looking at the checklist to see which birds we saw, and we used our Maths skills to record the number of birds. Later we talked with our classmates about the birds we had seen.
Literacy - Let me come in!
"Little Old Gran,
Little Old Gran, let me come in
from the wind, it is cold and I have
snow on the tip of my nose!"
WE have been learning the story, Let me come in. We practiced the story and acted it out as a class. We could join in with the repetition in the story and we could predict what we thought was going to happen. We wrote about one of the characters in the story, and lots of us used the new language we had learnt.
Maths - Mass and Capacity
We have also been learning about Mass and Capacity.
We used the balance scales to find the mass of an object using non-standard measures such as cubes, shells, numicon and mini vehicles. It was fun balancing the scales. We found that the mass of the dinosaur was 21 cubes!
We also used non-standard measure to fill our cups to find the capacity, and we used different sized spoons to fill containers with sand.
We love books
We are engaging really well with books. Some of us are finding words that we have recently been learning, and lots of us can identify Harder to Read and Spell Words in the texts.
"I found 'Gran' and 'are'."
Every Friday afternoon we open our doors to parents and carers to share a book with us. We love having our grown-ups come in to read with us! Thank you!