Magic Door
The children started their new year by drawing an imaginary door, taking inspiration from other doors they’ve seen. They then used thesauruses to up-level adjectives and expanded noun phrases they wrote of the doors.
Explanation Texts
The children started the topic by distinguishing between fact and opinion and the importance of facts in explanation texts. As well as being ‘online moderators’ and finding ‘the truth’, the children worked in pairs to nightlight the facts and opinions within a text.
The children compared other explanation texts, focusing on the target reader for each and what features tell us this.
The children explored facts and opinions and looked for these within a text.
To conclude their first full writing focus, the children wrote up their explanation text onto a leaflet, making sure to include illustrations.
Mythical Narrative text
As part of their next topic, the children explored many myths and legends texts and explored the themes within these. They then collected high-quality vocabulary which they will then incorporate into their stories.
The children explored the Maya Hero Twins myth again, however this time they focussed on the key features that have been included.
Sci-Fi Narrative
To begin their next topic in English, the children built up sentences with expanded noun phrases, and tried to include other features like prepositional phrases.
The children have moved onto planning their new story using a boxed-up plan. They used the key points from the ET story and adapted them for their own.
After lots of writing and editing, the children are now publishing their story, joined with illustrations!