Spring 2
The Gingerbread Man

We started off by telling the story of the Gingerbread Man and writing and drawing what we know for a class book.

We had a mystery smelling pot, which was actually ginger.
“It smells like pepperoni” “I think it smells like sausage” “It smells like a chilli pepper”
“The chilliest pepper on the planet!” “Smells like flowers” “A cactus”.

We made shades of blue to paint our river. We started with blue and added a bit more white each time to make it lighter.
We listened to the BBC Philharmonic orchestra play the story of the Gingerbread Man. We loved listening to the different instruments and then our friend came in to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on her flute. It was such a treat!
This week we have started to learn about measure and have had great fun exploring length and height.
We found objects that were long and short.

We went outside to do some Welly-wanging! We were careful not to hurt anyone! After we threw our wellies, we measured how far they had gone by counting our big steps.

We looked around the classroom for things that were taller than us and shorter than us.

We compared our height with our classmates and then we organised our classmates into height order - taller at one end and shorter at the other. Girls ordered the boys, and boys ordered the girls.

We also used a standard measure to measure our height on the beanstalk.

Taller and shorter towers.
L - “I’ve made a tower of four”
Teacher - “ Can you make a taller tower?”
L - “Yes. With five”

Muddy Monday!

We followed a map and looked for clues to find the Gingerbread Man.