Spring 2 - Beat, Rhythm and Notation
This half term we are looking into what beat, rhythm and notation really is. We started off by clapping back some simple rhythms and then, using drumsticks, we followed some music and read some notation to play ‘Never Gonna give you up’ and Super Mario!

Super Mario!

In between all of our beat, rhythm and notation work, Miss Holmes decided it was time to showcase our skills on improvisation...
Using the notes C, D, E and F, Walney class listened to the backing track and played along with the glockenspiels, keeping in time beautifully!
A little bit of improv...

Improv 2

Improv 3

Improv 4

Clap back rhythm game!

More incredible improvisation skills being observed in Walney class! We used a different backing track this time and the children adapted well to the faster tempo!
Disco improv

Some clapback rhythm

Drumstick rhythm!