Music Clubs
From September, there will be two music clubs running.
Singing Club
Our club began last week and we were blown away by the number of children who attended our first meet. It was lovely to see a range of ages from Year 2 to Year 5. We warmed up our bodies and voices ready to sing.
We started with the Matilda Medley from Young Voices and we rehearsed saying and singing the words correctly and clearly. Some of the lyrics are really fast - like tongue-twisters!
We moved on to singing some old favourites, including Siyahamba, and BINGO to finish! We already make a magnificent sound.
Beginner Band
It is exciting to see so many new members wanting to join the band! Our first meet is next Thursday, where we will be learning some short pieces which help us to play together as a band.
If you would like to come and have a go (parents and children!), please come and see Mrs. Jones as all are welcome!. We are hoping to perform some Christmas songs and carols by December so watch this space...

B Groovy!