DIY doodler instruction manuals
The children began their final project in DT by creating a double page spread, highlighting the key vocabulary they’ll encounter for this topic.
The children then recapped their knowledge of circuitry and the components that form one. The children looked at motors, what they do with the electricity and their potential uses.
In the next stage of their project, the children investigated prebuilt doodlers which they were able to deconstruct and explore how they were built, and what could be changed to improve the design. The children thought of fantastic adaptations and alternative designs!
Using their knowledge of doodlers and how they are constructed, Year 5 began building their own doodlers. They started by piecing together their circuit components, ensuring the motors worked as they should. They then secured this to the cup and added on the other parts.
The children then tested their products by using a large piece of paper, and made adaptations to the counterweight and strength of their doodlers to ensure it worked as planned. In their books, they then evaluated the challenges they found whilst constructing their product, as well as what they liked about them.