Roal Dahl Gallery
A fabulous dream catcher inspired by the BFG.

Fantastic science experiments with impressive results!

Fantastic Mr. Fox's den made from a shoe box.
We have been looking at Roald Dahl's book Esio Trot. Today we have researched how to care for a tortoise and created a leaflet, book or power point to present this information.

Building a tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows

Super model designing and building to make Mr. Willie Wonka's great glass elevator.
Great science inspired by Roald Dahl's books.

Look at our gallery of disgusting beards

In school this week we have been reading some chapters from Fantastic Mr. Fox. We have made Mr. Fox's den from a shoe box and used different joining techniques to make the inside of his den. We had lots of fun and are very proud of our creations.

In school we have been reading extracts from Roald Dahl's George's Marvellous Medicine. We have used our observational skills to find out what happens with different science experiments.

A lovely illustration of The BFG by Sam (2PM) 🤩 Could we have found the next Quentin Blake?
Fantastic experiments and shrinking crisp packets!

Fizzy potions

Fruit smoothies in the making 🍓🍌🍊😋

fun experimenting.mp4

Look at all these beautiful dream catchers the children have made in school 🥰