Week 6 Wb 8th Feb
Hello! Welcome to Week 6 of our learning from home. We are continuing with our topic, Chinese New Year.
This grid includes a range of Chinese New Year/China themed activities linked to different areas of the school curriculum.
If you click in the link below, you can find a set of numbered activity prompt sheets which include full details of the activity and some of the resources required.
When your timetable refers to choosing a topic activity, this is where they are chosen from. To an extent, these activities can be enjoyed by all ages, so if you have siblings at home, you should be able to work on the same activity, either individually or collaboratively.
You can send in any photos or completed work to your teacher in the usual way.
We can’t wait to see some of your work!
This week, all our learning and resources will be in 2 places. As usual, everything you need will be on here, but everything will also be on Google Classroom. You should have received your username and password. We will be moving everything across to Google Classrooms after half term so please try your best to get logged on. Please get in touch if there are any queries or problems. Enjoy!