Wednesday 24.02.21
Good Morning Year One x

Fun with Phonics!
Can you say your phase 5 tricky words? |

Can you say our phase 5 sounds with me?

Can you complete the Phase 5 word search to help practice recognising our Phase 5 sounds?
Excellent English
Watch Julia Donaldson and her husband, Malcolm, perform the What the Ladybird Heard Song
Can you create a story map to help you retell the story? Can you write the key words and phrases from the story in your story map? Can you retell the story using your story map to a family member or cuddly toy? |

Amazing Arithmetic!
Can you solve these calculations?
11 + 5 = 17 + 3 = 14 + 4 = 12 + 6 =
You can use objects to represent 10’s and 1’s to help you e.g. a pen could represent ten and sweets could represent ones. |

Magnificent Maths!
Number Families - - Can you create number families using the different numbers and symbols?
Number Families – We are going to carry on with number families. Look at the activity sheet in your pack and cut out the number cards. Can you place them on your sheet to make different number sentences? How many different number families can you make?

Guided Reading
Have a look closely at the pages of ‘What the Ladybird Heard’

Pages 7-8 -
What time of day is it and how can you tell? Who’s in the van and what do they have in front of them? What animals can you see? You may wish to find our and discover and find out about nocturnal animals.
Pages 9-10 -
Have a close look at the map. Which animal is asleep on the map and how can you tell? Where’s the ladybird and what do you think they might be doing? Why is there a big red cross above the cow?
Amazing Authors!
Choose an exciting activity from our Julia Donaldson activity pick and mix acitivity pack!
Enjoy a special Julia Donaldson story on our Torrisolme TV – Story Time! Today Miss Shepherd has added a very special story 'The Smartest Giant in Town'.