Session 8 Thursday
Warm-up: Fire up those neurons and get ready for today’s Flashback Four questions. Take a look below for these!
Main activity: Giving Change
Children to complete the 3 worksheets, calculating change.
Answers for the activity will be added onto the website for you to self-mark to check your progress.
Continue reading until the end of Chapter 2.
Create a story map to retell the story so far. Remember it is not an art lesson, so just produce meaningful pictures for you. I can't wait to see them!
TOP TIP: Add useful time adverbials to move your story on, examples- a little while later, just at that moment, after a brief pause etc.
Below is an example. What a FANTASTIC story map detailing Chapter 1 and 2!!
Story map example
Telling the story using the story map
Day 8 - Terrific Topic
Complete some cosmic yoga!
Read pages 12 and 13 ‘The Eruption Continues’ and then answer questions.