What our children tell us
'We learn how to keep safe in lessons'
'I feel safe in classrooms. We have so many adults who we can talk to.'
'At playtime, I feel safe in every zone.'
The fences, teachers and friends make me feel safe.'
'Having my friends near me, help me to feel safe.'
There is always someone to talk to and help me when I need it.
Mental Health Policy
Safeguarding Policy
On-Line Safety
Prevent Duty
Operation Encompass
As part of our commitment to keeping children safe, Torrisholme Primary School is part of Operation Encompass - a unique Police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership, which supports children and young people who are exposed to domestic abuse.
Being part of Encompass means our school will receive a notification from Lancashire Constabulary before the start of the next school day when the police have attended an incident where a child or young person has been involved in, or exposed to, a domestic abuse. The information, is received by key school staff, in confidence, to enable us to provide the best possible support for the child involved. These Key Staff being our Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Pym, and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, Mrs Hadfield and Mrs Kippax.
If you have any questions or wish to know more about our involvement in Operation Encompass, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Pym (Headteacher) via the school office.
More information on Operation Encompass can be found on the following link: