After making, adding to and designing bread products, today we created our ‘show stoppers’. Using our design we added fillings and moulded the dough into impressive shapes.2
On Wednesday, we started developing our bread product and began adding flavours to make some delicious tasting bread 🍞
It’s DT Week and we baked bread today! We chatted about safety rules before baking, measured ingredients, mixed them and kneaded the dough. We created little shapes with the dough and put them in the oven.
Firefighters from Morecambe Fire Station came to educate us on fire safety today. They talked about their job, when fire is good and when it’s dangerous and how to STOP, DROP AND ROLL if clothes are on fire. We learned how to keep safe if a fire happens in our house. We now know to check our fire alarms regularly and if the alarm sounds we check door handles with the back of our hands, crawl low to avoid the smoke, follow the fire plan, shout for help, get out, stay out and call 999. We must not go back inside for anything. The firefighters also taught us the importance of knowing our address in case we need to ring 999.
Music - we have been learning a song called Sparkle in the Sun. Today we played chime bars along to the instrumental part. We played the notes G and A. Some of us played G and others played A. Check it out in the video below.

Another video of us playing G and A on the chime bars.

We absolutely LOVED our special visitors in science this week. We became baby experts and learned lots about how to care for babies thanks to Miss Giddens and Jacob.
Using Eric Carle and his art work as a stimulus, we have loved creating our own collages.

Art - today we created papers that we will then use to collage pictures in the style of Eric Carle.
In computing, we are learning about digital photography. This week we have been focusing on what makes a good photograph. Looking at lighting, focus and the zoom tool we took our own photographs.

Kidsafe - In our session of Kidsafe this week we have been learning about yucky feelings and the types of behaviours that are bullying.
Today, a historian called Adrian Warrell came into school to teach the children about The Great Fire of London. He was the most amazing storyteller - the children were absolutely hooked! He had so many realistic props and taught us a lot of new facts. In the afternoon we ventured into the hall for Adriian's Great Fire of London activities. The children played a fire starting game, they matched materials to tools, they wove walls using sticks, played with old toys and pretended to pass water to put out fires. What an amazing day of learning!
Science - whilst learning about the names and properties of different materials, we carried out an investigation to find out which material would be best for Charlie Bear’s coat. The children tested different materials that Charlie Bear brought and found the plastic to be the most suitable. Here they are working as teams to make Charlie Bear and his friends some waterproof coats.
RE - we have been learning about the Hindu faith. After focusing on what Hindus believe and how they worship we finished off by looking at our own important and special things. We enjoyed showing and talking about our special items. We created our own shrine and spent some time reflecting on the great things in our life, respect and gratefulness.
Art - We are artists! Using our tiles, we have created amazing print masterpieces.
Art - In Art, we are looking at printing. We have been working hard to create polystyrene tiles with an under the sea theme ready to create printing masterpieces.
DT - We are Engineers
Following on from our learning about the inspirational engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, we focused today on bridges and were challenged to create our own. Year 2 did not find this task easy but persevered to create some brilliant bridges. The children worked together so well supporting each other in their groups and adapting their designs when things didn’t go to plan. I’m so proud of you, 2MR! Lots of children said they wanted to challenge themselves at home to create their own bridges so please send any pictures to our year 2 email 😃