Year 4
Hello Year 4!
We hope to see you all very soon but in the meantime, let's get started with our home learning. Year 4 have chosen to use Google Classroom as our 'home learning hub' so that is where you will usually find all of your daily activities and resources.
*See below for a step by step guide for how to use this learning platform.
This page on our school website will be used to upload any photos you want to share with the rest of the class and for sharing any information we think you will find useful.
Since Google Classroom is a new learning platform, we want you to have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with it today and not feel flustered from the get-go about accessing work. Thus, today's learning is posted here as well as on our Google Classroom hub.
As always, please keep in touch via our year group email and we look forward to starting our home learning journey with you all.
Take care,
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Scholey, Mrs Tuer & Mrs Marriott


Getting Started on Google Classroom
The links attached below will guide you (smoothly!) through the process of getting started on Google Classroom. The first link takes you to the log-in page and the second provides a step by step user guide. We will shortly be emailing each of you your unique log-in details so please keep an eye out for those.