The Tower Garden is up and running...
Finally, our little seedlings are ready to go into the Tower Garden.
Keeping an eye on our investigation
We have noticed that after two weeks our seeds are starting to germinate all around the school - all except the seeds in the freezer! Some of them are long and spindly - they are reaching for the light. Quite a few of them have yellow leaves. We went back to class to discuss why this is and share our discoveries.

Our seed dispersal challenge and the results
Dispersal challenge team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Team 5

Team 6


Team 8

Team 9

Which group dispersed their seeds the furthest?

Seed Dispersal Challenge
We split into groups of three to work as a team. Our challenge was to create a seed dispenser for paper seeds. Which of our dispensers will scatter our 'seeds' far and wide? We had 20 minutes to create our seed carrier.
Tell us about your seed dispenser design...
Seed dispersal challenge

What is your idea?

What is your idea?

Working as a team

What does a seed need in order to grow well-investigation

Planting a bean seed
We have been thinking about the conditions a plant needs to grow in successfully. Our reverse challenge is to grow a seed in difficult conditions. Some children placed their seed pot in the dark, in the cold and other places around the school. One group placed theirs in the freezer! We discussed how to make this challenge fair and what will happen to our seeds. Some thought theirs would not grow at all, others thought they would grow so slowly. We are looking forward to seeing the results next week!

Growing seeds in the Tower Garden using the process of hydroponics.
Here are our little seedlings ready to germinate. Which seeds do you think will sprout first?

Let's plant seeds!
We are very excited about growing vegetables and herbs.

What is pollination and why does it take place?
Having fun growing a big beanstalk.

We enjoyed taking part in drama to explain what happens during pollination.


Do you know the difference between a herb, a vegetable and a fruit?
We investigated seeds in fuit and vegetables. We discovered that some fruits have their seeds on the outside, some fruits have lots and lots of seeds, and some just have one or two. We drew the fruit carefully showing where seeds are located.