Spring Term 1
Welcome to Spring Term 1 and we are raring to go! In English, we will be looking at a classic novel - The Call of the Wild - by Jack London. We will be using an abridged, modern version of the text and some excerpts from the film. In Maths, we are learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions as well as finding fractions of shape and amounts. In History, we study the Ancient Greeks. In Science, we are learning about classifying animals and in Art we are focussing on the post-impressionists including Henri Rousseau. In Music we will be improvising and in PE, we will be focussing on ball games and gymnastics. In RE, we are looking at how places can foster spirituality and in PSHE we will be thinking about Dreams and Goals.
Visit by the R.N.L.I.
We had a lovely afternoon with representatives from the R.N.L.I. who came to chat to use about water safety, how to call them in time of need and to show us some of the work they have carried out over the past year in Morecambe Bay. It was great fun and some of the children were able to dress up in some of their waterproof clothing and helmets!

Number Day - NSPCC
We have had a super day working on maths challenges based around the number 3 and raising money for a good cause!

Number day circuits based around the number 3.