Class Lune is the home of Mrs Green, Mrs Baker and Mrs Thistlethwaite
We hope you've had an amazing holiday, we are looking forward to catching up with you all!
A few pointers for the week, term and year ahead!
* reading books will be issued by the end of the week. Please listen to your child at least x4 a week
* spellings will go home every Monday, to be tested on Friday
*please learn the 3, 4 and 8 times tables, TT Rockstars will support this!
* a recorder will be issued shortly, please can this be in school every Wednesday !
* PE days are Tuesday -outdoor and Friday-indoor. Please send in full PE kit!
Any questions don't hesitate to catch us at the start or end of the day. Or pop a note in your child's Reading Record!
Parent Information session 24-25
Curriculum Overview
We are 3 Lune!
United Utilities- all about 💦
Safer Internet Day 2024

Rock Kidz- Don’t give up!
Look at our moves!

A really fun session.