Thursday 4th February
Watch Mrs Robinson's video and learn our new sound 'th'
Head to the website below and watch the video called 'Celebrating Chinese and Lunar New Year'
Now go to your home learning pack and get out the dragon caption sheet. Can you write some short sentences that start with 'it is...' Make sure you use your sound talking, finger spaces between words and a full stop at the end.
Have a go at writing the numbers 11-15 . Remember that the 1 represents the zero and that the zero is being sneaky and hiding!
Cut out one of each of your numbers and go on a hunt around your house. Look for objects that match the number.
Before you start today's activity - have a look at ours! Can you tell your grown ups which ones are true and which ones are false?
Wider Curriculum
Please see the Chinese New Year Pick and Mix pack