Wednesday 03.02.21
Today we are going to carry on our learning all about 'The Great Race. Before we start this activity you might want to listen to Mrs Kippax read the story in the video from yesterday to remind you of the story.
Activity: Can you write a sentence for each picture of the story. Remember to practice the sentence in your head and use a capital letter to begin, finger spaces and a full stop to finish.
Challenge: Can you extend your sentences by using the words ‘and’ or ‘because’. |
Marvellous Mathematics!
Counting on
Watch the video about counting on below.
Look at the objects on the sheet – can you find out how many there are in total by counting on? |
Tick tock today let’s learn to tell the time.
Have a look at a clock at home, there are two hands on the clock. What is the same about each hand? What is different about each hand compared to the other?
The hour hand is the shorter hand and the minute hand is the longer hand. When the minute hand is pointing to the number 12 it is an o’clock time, look closely at my minute hand.
What time is it on my clock?
Fun with phonics!
Today we are going to learn our phase 5 tricky words, watch and join in saying our tricky words with my video....
Guided Reading
Have a read of the next 6 pages in the text and then join Miss Devey to share our Guided Reading text 'Dragons in the City.'
Pre-read pages.....
Chinese New Year!
Choose an exciting activity from our Chinese New Year adventure pack!
Captain Sir Tom Moore Challenge...