Our new play zones
Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) CIC is the UK’s leading, award-winning organisation providing school improvement through play.
OPAL has helped hundreds of schools improve play for thousands of children in schools around the world and we cannot wait to begin our own OPAL journey!
Did you know? 20% – or 1.4 years – of a child’s time in school is playtime. In partnership with OPAL, we want to make sure this is time well spent.
There are many proven benefits for schools which partner with the OPAL Programme including:
- more enjoyment of school
- less teaching time lost to disputes between children
- less accidents
- a greater understanding of the value of positive playtimes
As well as improved opportunities for
- physical activity
- socialisation
- co-operation
- coordination
- resilience
- creativity
- imagination
Play is defined as a process that is intrinsically motivated, directed by the child and freely chosen by the child. Play has its own value and provides its own purpose. It may or may not involve equipment or other people.
In order to be able to play freely in this way, there are certain things children must have access to. These include:
- clothes they can play in
- things to play with
- a certain amount of freedom
As we work to improve play opportunities for your children, you will begin to notice changes being made to our school grounds and the way in which your children make use of this space. They will begin to use more of the grounds for more of the year. They will undoubtedly get a bit messier as they are exposed to more challenges and will have greater freedoms to play where they like, how they like and with whom they like.
We believe these experiences are essential for children’s physical and mental well-being and health and will be carried out in line with all current good practice advice on health and safety, well-being and development.