Spring 2
Spring 2 curriculum
Easter Egg Hunt

Happy children!

World Book Day!
We have had a lovely World Book Day today, kicking off with live webinar from the Literacy Trust. We were introduced to some great authors and took part in a football/literacy quiz.
Our focus this year was on the illustrators of the books that we llove and how they can make or break a book. we looked at a range of well-known illustrators and were set the task, by Mrs Taylor, to pick our favourite illustrator and draw ourselves in their style - we had some pretty amazing results!
Enjoying some relaxing yogi!
Finger breathing


Big breathe!

Special Tea Party!
Some of Class 3J have been looking at an all-time favourite story - The Tiger Who Came to Tea - and decided to put on their own tea party for Mrs Dowker and some of their friends. They made jam sandwiches and some delicious fairy cakes. All the children had an amazing time!

Music Festival songs
For rehearsal...
Part 3 – We’re All in This Together
So we’re coming to the end of our lovely songs
But still time for beatboxing and waving pom poms
“We’re All in This Together” and a brand-new rap
“Siyahamba” from South Africa; what could be better than that?
We’ve dance and we’ve signed and we’ve sung out loud
Music makes us happy and I’m sure we’ve made you proud
Our final song has a comedy touch
From all of us to all of you – FANK YOU VERY MUCH