We're Not Washing Our Socks!
We're Not Washing Our Socks! (Vocal).mp3
We're Not Washing Our Socks! (Instrumental).mp3
We’re Not Washing Our Socks!
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
All seated on the ground…
The following dialogue is spoken over the music before the shepherds sing.
Shepherd 5: What are the words they’re singing?
Shepherd 6: Something about shepherds washing their socks!
Shepherd 7: Washing their socks? I don’t even own a pair of socks!
Shepherd 8: Someone’s having a laugh! Shepherds (indignantly)
1 It’s true that the shadows are deep,
It’s true that we’re counting our sheep,
It’s true that it sends us to sleep,
But we’re NOT washing our socks!
2 It’s true that we’re guarding the fold,
It’s true that we’re feeling the cold,
It’s true that we’re all getting old,
But we’re NOT washing our socks!
Where did we get this strange reputation
For washing our socks at night?
Looking after sheep is our occupation,
Not a soapy sock in sight!
3 It’s true that we’re singing the blues,
It’s true that we’re watching the ewes,
It’s true, keep on spreading the news,
We’re NOT washing our socks,
We’re not, we’re not, we’re NOT washing our socks,
And that’s that!