Spring 2
Take a look at our puppets. We sewed them together and then chose a join to attach and decorate them. We had so much fun and are super proud of them.

DT day! We spent the day beginning to explore textiles skills and identifying suitable joins we could use when making our puppets. We then practised a running stitch and an overlap stitch. At the end of the day, we edited our design brief and decided which joins and stitches we will use on our end product. We are all very excited to make our puppets tomorrow.

Debbie from NISCU visited us to talk about the importance of Easter and to share the Easter story.

We loved performing our Hat’s Off production today - thank you for being a wonderful audience.
We enjoyed a visit from a nurse today. We talked all about the role of nurses and how they help people. We learned where nurses might work and what resources they need. We also talked about Florence Nightingale.

We have been looking at height and length in Maths this week. We explored a range of objects and compared their height or length using terms such as shortest, tallest, longest and smallest.

We came into school on Monday to find a bag of objects. When we looked inside, we decided they were from The Little Red Riding Hood story.

In Science, we have been discussing Spring. We have been on a walk around school looking for all the signs of spring. We found: daffodils, blossom trees and April showers. We then sorted pictures into spring and not spring

We used our tally charts from our traffic survey to input data onto a bar graph.

We enjoyed sharing our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk stories with our friends in Reception
Today we have edited The Jack and the Beanstalk story maps, ready for us to write our stories tomorrow. We have changed the main character and the objects they steal from the giants house.

We enjoyed conducting a traffic survey at the front of school this week. We counted how many different coloured cars drove past and recorded this in a tally. This is in preparation for creating our bar graph in Computing next week.

We have been looking at the tens and ones in numbers up to 50. We chose a number card and identified how many tens and how many ones were in that number.

In History, we acted pretended to be Florence Nightingale by looking after lots of poorly soldiers. We cleaned the hospital floors, got rid of rats, fed the patients and cared for their injuries.
We have explored a range of puppets in preparation for making our own later in the half term.

We enjoyed a yogi group session where we practised yoga and discussed useful breathing strategies to help us self regulate,

In History, we have been learning about Florence Nightingale. We know that she was a famous nurse who changed nursing and made hospitals a better place. We made fact files about Florence Nightingale.