Rock Kidz ON TOUR
The children loved having Rock Kidz attend today. Lots of jumping, singing, shouting and laughs were had!

As a little break from work, the children attended a yoga session where they focussed on relaxing and controlling their breathing.

United Utilities
United Utilities came into school to talk to us about how we can save water. Did you know that the average person uses 150 litres of water every day! We also investigated where our water comes from and learnt about the water cycle.
The children have taken home a chart that allows them to track their own water usage too!
STEM Workshop
We have been very fortunate to have a local engineer from Lancaster University attend our class to show the children the impact engineering has on the world. With a focus of space, the children investigated different materials and their properties, and how this knowledge can be applied to choose where the material would be used within a spacecraft.
The children then created their very own crafts, and assessed their ability in managing funds, working effectively as a team, and achieving the object of landing the craft safely.

Dogs Trust
Sam from Dogs Trust visited the children and taught them all about keeping safe around dogs and how best to take care of them.