Day 3 Thursday
Warm-up: TT Rockstars
Log-in and complete in the TT Rockstar battle set up between 3B and 3H… Good Luck!
Main activity: How much money is in the jar?
There will be a video each day to talk through the activities on the website.
Children to firstly count the coins and write the total of each jar. On the second sheet, they should look at the amounts labelled on the jars and draw coins in to make the total.
Answers for the activity will be added onto the website for you to self-mark to check your progress.
Read Chapter 2 to where it says ‘but what on earth were they up to?’
Using clues from the text consider how Suzy was feeling as she stepped out onto the landing? Write a fantastic sentence to describe this moment.
Top Tips for fantastic sentences: Use an I SAW A WABUB conjunction, either at the start or in the middle of your sentence. You could also try to include a noun phrase and you should always use a thesaurus to power up your word choices.