Systems and Networks
To begin their searching, the children created a set of steps to search for an answer using a search engine. The children then tested these steps to see how effective they were.
The children looked at how their searches can be refined by the key words we include in our search. They first searched for words like rugby and sale, which came up with rugby the sport and sale on clothes. To find the places called Rugby and Sale, the children had to include other key words like rugby place or sale town.
The children then looked at different search engines available to them, including Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Ecosia. All of which provide a different aspect to searching. The children saw how results however do differ between these search engines.
Vector Drawing
The children have been looking at using their computing skills to create drawings. They used shortcuts like Carl c and v for copy and pasting, respectively, and zooming in to add finer details. They also looked at how to reshape and resize and how they could add various colours to different aspects of their pictures.