Making our Stone Age cave sewing
In order to practise our running stitch, we drew a Stone Age outline of an animal to make a pattern piece. Then we drew around it onto a felt piece. We stitched a running stitch all the way around, practising our small, neat stitches. Some of us even sewed a button on!

Making our pencil cases
This half term our focus has been on textiles and sewing. We started by examining different types of pencil case, bringing our own in to share with everyone.
Which is the best pencil case and why?

Which is the best pencil case and why?

Which is the best pencil case and why?

We made our designs for our motif and drew them, using fabric pens, onto a scrap piece of felt. Then we practised our running stitch on binca. This helped us sew small stitches around our motif onto our felt.

We chose our own coloured felt and zip. We joined our zip to the felt and sewed up the sides of our pencil cases using a different stitch - overstitch.
Finished pencil cases