Week 7
Practising our spellings, g as a ‘j’

Week 7
We have been practising exclamation sentences that begin with ‘what’ or ‘how’.

Week 6
We have started our non-chronological reports based on sea creatures under the ocean. We created interest thinking what we already knew then used non-fiction books and texts to create mind maps.
We used non-fiction books to recognise parts of a book. This was a tricky task.

Week 5
In our whole class reading, we have been reading The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson. Using our vocabulary, inference, prediction and retrieval skills we answered questions relating to the text.

Practising our new grapheme -dge
Week 4
We have been preparing our story maps ready to write.

Common Exception Word Practice
We loved using the pyramid method to learn to spell our tricky common exception words.

Week 3
We have been learning our story of Little Red Riding Hood before we innovate it. Here is a short part of our storytelling.

This is our story map, maybe you would like to practise the story at home. It will help with your writing.

We have been focussing and revising alternative spellings this week, we discovered there are many ways to write the grapheme /ai/.
Week 2
We have continued with our Twist in the Tale, working on our grammar using coordinating and conjunctions and finding similarities and differences between different versions of the story.

Whole Class Reading
We are reading The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson, we had to think about giants and what we know about them.

Week 1
A Twist in the Tale
We have been having fun working out our new text, going for a hunt in the school grounds and using drama.