Wednesday 13.01.21
Today you are going to choose one kind of bear (either from the video yesterday or using the fact files attached below) and create your own facts file about that kind of bear. You can use the template provided or you can create your own. You will need to draw a picture of your chosen bear and include information about where they live, how big they are, what they eat etc. We can't wait to read your fact files Year 1!
Today in maths we are going to be practicing our addition skills. In your paper pack you will find an 'I spy' sheet. You need to count up the coloured splodges to solve the addition number sentences. Happy adding Year 1!
Year 1 - we know that you are all amazing so today you are going to create your very own chest of goodness! You will need a carboard box (e.g. a tissue box, shoe box or cereal box) which you are going to decorate in any way you like. On the top you are going to write the words 'I am'. On some paper/card you are then going to draw and cut out 5 coins. On each coin we would like you to write a positive affirmation (just like we have in school) e.g. I am brave, kind, strong, loved, friendly, helpful, amazing etc. Add a coin each day whilst saying the affirmation out loud. Don't forget to send us your pictures of your chests!
Log into your Collins e library and choose a lovely book to read. Could you tell us about the book you have read? You could write a book review or record yourself giving a summary of what the book was about. Happy reading Year 1!
It's time for our next phonics session Year 1! Click the link in the video below to practice the sounds we already know and then learn our next sound!