Session 9 Friday
Warm-up: Fire up those neurons and get ready for today’s Flashback Four questions. Take a look below for these!
Main activity: Y3 Money Assessment
The Y3 objective for money is to 'add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both £ and p in practical contexts'. Now that you have completed the daily Maths activities and are familiar with different coins, making amounts and finding change, it is time to check your knowledge with a little quiz!
Read on until the end of the extract.
Use the following question prompts to help you continue your story map and plan the next chapter for the story.
What do you think has happened to Suzy?
What will Suzy see when she wakes? Will Fletch be there?
Where do you think the train is going? Is it to an imaginary place? (Think about the title of the story)
Will Suzy’s parents wake up?
Will Suzy and Fletch become friends?
Can you use this to now begin writing the next chapter of the story?
Don't forget to aim for Chilli 3 sentences! You MUST include, capital letters, full stops and your writing must make sense. Can you aim to include 3 adverbs and noun phrases too? YOU CAN DO IT!!
Day 9 - Terrific Topic
Complete some minecraft themed cosmic yoga!
Read pages 14 and 15 ‘Types of Volcano’. Don’t forget to use the glossary for any highlighted words and answer questions.