How can we reinforce packaging to make them stronger?
This week, we have learnt that there are different ways to strentgthen card. We used three methods:
- zigzaging,
- straws,
- more layers of card.
- After we had strengthened our piece of card, we tested it out using a 1kg weight.
Strong enough to hold 1kg?
Will it be strong enough?
Adding a window to a net to make a display box
We have learned that some packaging requires a window so that the product inside can be seen. We were set a task of making a sweetie box to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III which contained a Coronation shapes window. The children were very creative with this idea - we had crown-shaped windows and even a corgi-shaped one!
Making our own nets to construct a 3D Shape
This time, we drew out our nets using 2D shapes. We needed to alter some of the nets to fit precisely.
Shell Structures 2
We are revisiting nets and making 3D shapes this week. Which 2D shapes make a 3D shape? We used a range of different activities and media to produce 3D shapes.
On Purple Mash, we designed our own shell structures, playing around with the outline of the net to make a vehicle.
How many different 3D structures could we make from cocktail sticks and blue tak?
Can we make 3D shapes from different nets?
How many different 3D shapes could we make using construction toys?