Today we are going to research and write two more sections of our non-chronological report.
Activity 1
Copy up in neat your opening paragraph onto your double page in your book. Look at the example below to help you.
Your opening paragraph should be written underneath or beside your Moon title. Your writing should be slightly bigger than normal.
Activity 2
Look at the list of topics below.
- Moon landings
- The Moon and tides
- Total eclipse of the Moon
- Where did the Moon come from?
- What is the Moon surface like?
Choose two of the titles from above and find 4 bits of information about each topic. Use the internet to help you.
Use the sheet below to jot your findings on.
Now you have your facts , use them to write two short paragraphs to add to your non-chronological report.
You will need this sheet to fill in:
Here is an example to help you: