Spring 2
We loved carrying out Darwin’s finches beaks investigation to consolidate our understanding of Darwin’s theory of evolution and the reasons why animals needed to adapt to their environment in order to survive.

The children have been applying their sketching skills from their art learning to draw peppered moths for our Science display.

We had a visit from the RNLI to learn all about water safety and the impact of cold water on our bodies

We really enjoyed reading the amazing evolution story of the peppered moth and writing our own versions to demonstrate our knowledge of inheritance, natural selection and evolution.

The children enjoyed playing ‘woolly worms’ as an introduction to learning about natural selection as part of our evolution and inheritance work. They were able to explain scientifically why certain coloured woolly worms were captured more than others and how this linked to adaptation and evolution.

The children enjoyed their yoga session. They learned relaxation, breathing and stretching exercises.