Living Things
To begin our science topic of Year 5, the class have explored the different life cycles of living creatures. This included mammals, birds, amphibians and insects. To help remember these, the children acted out a life cycle in groups. Some brilliant ideas to represent the various stages!
As our science topic this term is living things and their habitats, we went to explore our beautiful pond area. The children found many different living things including a bright green (and very large) caterpillar!
To learn about asexual reproduction (where only one parent plant is necessary for offspring), the children have begun an investigation on reproducing potatoes. We have started this by chitting the seed potatoes - this involves putting them out to dry so sprouts can grow before they are planted.
As part of the life cycles topic, the class looked at seed dispersal and why this is necessary for plants to germinate successfully. The children completed an experiment looking at how the surface area of a seed (based upon the sycamore seed) affects its ability to disperse.
Coming to the end of our topic this half term, we have aimed our focus to Eva Crane. Crane became famous due to her findings around honeybees. The children did some hot seating, pretending to be Eva herself!
The children learnt more about the discoveries made by Eva Crane this week by playing a Bee board game!
Our Caterpillars!
We now welcome our classroom pets, caterpillars, to observe a complete metamorphic life cycle in person! The children are so excited to see how they grow and change.
Wow! What a difference one week has made. The children have loved watching the caterpillars grow and change each day.
And the pupa stage begins! After fattening themselves up, the caterpillars are now preparing to form chrysalises to start their metamorphosis.
The chrysalises have started to form!
The chrysalises have finally hardened so have been moved to their final enclosure!
A new addition to the classroom!
All the butterflies have now completed full metamorphosis, becoming beautiful butterflies! They’ve been given a tasty treat and will be let out soon.
We said our farewells to the class butterflies as we released them in our pond area!
Earth and Space
To help understand how the moon orbits Earth and how the Earth orbits the Sun, year 5 completed their own models.