Today we started our new Maths topic Mass. We started with a recap on the terms heavier and lighter by comparing two objects in a balance scale. We wrote mathematical sentences to explain our findings.
This week’s focus has been division through grouping and sharing.
We began our new multiplication maths focus today by looking at equal groups.
Whole School Number Day
Check out our amazing Number Day outfits!
We had so much fun playing maths games with our friends!
We paired up with Year 5 to test each other on Times Tables. We made posters to help us learn the two, five and ten times tables. Thank you Year 5 for all of your help!
In the afternoon we took part in a Number Day Outdoor Hunt. We had to find the clues, read the questions carefully and answer them on our clipboards.
We are looking at money in maths. Today, we have been identifying the value of different coins and then explored the different ways we can make 20p.
Miss Metcalfe has challenged us all to use some coins to buy a little something from a shop. Hopefully, we can work out what coins to use and how much change we might need. Please send us pictures to our year 2 email if you manage it 😊