Welcome to year 5 Piel class!
Class teacher: Mrs Donaghey
Teaching Assistants: Miss Holmes
Miss Thompson
PPA Teacher: Miss Metcalfe
We are looking forward to a fantastic year in Piel class.
Reading diaries will be checked in school on a regular basis, it is really important that your child is reading at least 4 times a week. We want to promote a love for reading, we want to know if your child is not enjoying a book and we can swap it. It is really important to ask questions when reading with your child: Who is the main character? What are they doing? What do you think will happen next in the story? Why do you think that? This all helps make a great impact!
Spellings will be taught in class and released on Spelling Shed on a Monday each week. Spelling Shed is free to download and your childs username and password will be available in their reading diary. We ask that they access this as often as possible in short bursts, 5minutes a day is ideal.
Times Tables Rockstars is also free to download and the log in information for your child will also be shared in their reading diary. It is really important your child continues to practice times tables regulary as this really helps them in Maths. We ask that they also access this as often as possible in short bursts, 5minutes a day is also ideal.
Link to Times Tables Rockstars
Please keep an eye on this page or on the year 5 X (Twitter) page for updates and pictures @Y5Torrisholme.