Summer 1
New life
We have been looking at new life and have started to learn about lifecycles. We started by looking at the life cycle of a butterfly. We had a lot of opportunities to write, draw and make a visual representation of the lifecycle. Year 5 also shared their butterflies with us and we saw some butterflies emerge from their chrysalis. At the end of the week, we let the butterflies out into the wild.
However, we didn't just stop at butterflies! We have learnt about the life cycle of a frog and the life cycle of a plant. We have grown cress and have planted our own sunflower seeds, and looked after some tadpoles in the classroom. Year 2 also let us look after their Quail chicks, which were only 3 days old! They were very cute and the light one was a bit cheeky!

Fruit and Vegetables

In Literacy we have been reading the stories Oliver's Fruit Salad and Oliver's Vegetables by Vivian French and Alison Bartlett. We have learnt about healthy foods and treats and we have tried some vegetables and fruits from the story. Some of us were shocked to discover that we liked beetroot!

This half term we are going to start to write like grown-ups! We are practising hard to form some pre-cursive letters, starting each letter on the line and using LILS (lead in lines) and LOLS (lead out lines). It is a bit tricky, but with practise we will get the hang of it!
To help us with our handwriting, we have been doing lots of activities that help to strengthen our arms, hands and fingers so that we can hold a pencil comfortably and form letters and numbers correctly. We have tried very hard to develop our pincer grip and scissor skills. Playdough is a great resource for us to manipulate and use our hands, arms and fingers in different ways.


This week we met Coach Mike, who will be teaching us some fundamental movement skills this term. Our first lesson was all about balancing.

We have been learning to recognise doubles, odd and even numbers, 3D shapes, patterns with shapes and numbers and exploring numbers beyond 10!
Jellyfish Town!
We worked as a class to build Jellyfish Town! We used 3D shapes from around the classroom to build houses, hotels, shops, roads and even a pond! We explored the properties of 3D shapes and worked out which shapes would be best to balance and go on top.
We have been learning to use the laptops and developing our ICT skills. The first task we had to do was to learn to click, drag and drop using the mouse pad - we were not allowed to use the touch screen! Some of us managed well, some of us found it a bit tricky. Practise makes perfect!