Spring 1
We have enjoyed following our own instructions to make toast. The best part was following the last step where we got to eat it!
We had a great time working with 3GB on number day. We paired up to make our own number board game - it was lots of fun!

We have been having fun on the equipment in gymnastics.
We have been learning about bossy verbs today in English. We identified lots of different bossy verbs that we could use when writing instructions.

We have been learning about Judaism in RE. We made a Sukkot out of Lego.

Gymnastics! We have been practising different walks, rolls and jumps in PE. We focused on the bear walk and crab walk. Our egg roll, pencil roll and rock and roll were fabulous! The star jump, straight jump and tuck jump were amazing too. Well done, Year 1.

We have been on a walk around Torrisholme to look for the human and physical features in our local area. Take a look at all the things we saw...
We have been discussing ways to work well with our partners. We know it is good to take turns and listen to each other.

In Art we have been exploring different writing tools.

RNLI workshops
The Royal National Lifeboat Insituation came into school today to discuss water safety with KS1. We looked a potential dangers by the seaside and discussed safety rules that everyone needs to follow whilst being by the coast. These are: stop and think, stay together, float, call 999.
We even got to dress up in the RNLI uniform.
In Maths we have been exploring lots of different ways to make 10.

Humpty Dumpty with BSL actions