Welcome to Sandpipers!
It is great to welcome you all to the Sandpipers webpage.
Year 2 proves to be an exciting year with many amazing learning opportunities and experiences. The children have settled in really well and are learning new routines and rules.
Class teacher: Mr. Harding
Class teaching assistants: Mrs Pearson and Mrs Knowles
PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please send in both outdoor and indoor kits as we will be taking advantage of any fine weather. Please ensure that all kit is labelled. Earrings should be removed for PE or covered with plasters on these days. Indoor kit needs to be a white t-shirt and navy/black shorts. Outdoor kit needs to include black/navy jogging bottoms and top. Trainers are ideal for outside though please ensure that your child can tie their own laces.
On this page you will see our exciting learning journey through Year 2.