Welcome to our website. We currently have places available in some year groups. If you would like to visit the school, or have any questions, please contact the office.
A big warm welcome to our new Reception children and their families who are embarking on their first year at Torrisholme Primary School with us! This half term we will be learning all about ourselves, each other and our families. Please keep an eye below for exciting photos of what we get up to!
Our PE day this half term will be on a Wednesday morning. Please ensure your child has their PE bag in school and any long hair is tied up.
Important Notices
A letter has been sent out in children's bookbags informing you of our Phonics Information Meeting. This will be held on Tuesday 12th September at 3.30pm in the school hall. We hope you are able to join us! All of the information shared on the day will be posted below.
💨 A Windy Day! 💨
We learned all about the wind today after hearing that there was a storm in the UK. After looking at wind socks, weather vanes, windmills and kites, we decided to go out and explore our windy school grounds. We listened to the noise of the wind through the trees, watched the leaves being blown off the branches and observed which direction the wind was blowing in. Afterwards we went into the forest and had a go at making our own leaf kites. It was so much fun testing them on the running track!
Taste Testers!
We LOVED tasting our bread outside under the autumn leaves!
🍞 Bread Bakers! 🍞
After reading the story ‘The Little Red Hen’, we were inspired to have a go at making our own bread! We learnt all about how flour is made and looked at what ingredients we would need. After carefully reading the recipe we gathered everything together to begin baking. We loved mixing, kneading, squashing and rolling our dough, and can’t wait to see what it looks like once it has risen!
🍁 Leaf Man 🍁
The story Leaf Man inspired us to go on a Muddy Monday walk to find our own autumnal treasures! We loved collecting leaves, conkers, acorns and sticks to create our own natural art creations. Our Leaf Man inspired artwork resulted in beautiful autumnal cats, fish, dinosaurs and much more!
Pattern Makers
We have been learning all about patterns in our maths work. We have described, copied and created our own visual, auditory and concrete patterns using different resources!
🎨 Our Art Extravaganza!🎨
We loved sharing our artwork with our grown ups this afternoon!
💗 Our Kind Hands 💗
We learnt all about how to use our kind hands in different ways. Look at us using them to share, help each other, and being kind friends.
🐻🐯🦁 World Animal Day 🦁🐯🐻
We had lots of fun celebrating world animal day! We’ve built zoos, created bear masks and animal headbands, learnt all about bears and followed how to draw videos of our favourite animals.
🍂🗺 Map Makers 🗺🍂
After learning about the journey on the Bear Hunt we decided to go on our own journey to the forest. We collected things along the way and made our own maps of our journey!
🎨 Our Creative Class! 🎨
We have been so creative in the Jellyfish class this week! We have loved looking at images in books for inspiration for our creations. Just take a look at what we’ve been busy making!
🐻 We’re Going on a Bear Hunt 🐻
Today we began our new story and loved retelling it in different ways! We created an obstacle course to practise moving under and over objects and went on a barefoot sensory walk to experience the different places on the journey. We came up with some amazing adjectives to describe how it felt!
🧚♂️ International Fairy Tea Party Day 🧚♂️ We arrived at school to discover a surprise visitor had left us some gifts! We’ve had a fabulous day using our special fairy crafting materials, telling fairy stories and building fairy houses in the forest.
💧 Muddy Puddles! 💧
In Reception we LOVE the rain! This week we have jumped in muddy puddles, experimented with bubbles and food colouring to mark make, built bridges across our puddle rivers and enjoyed cleaning the muddy toys!
💙 Fun with our Year 6 Buddies 💙
We had a fabulous morning meeting our Year 6 buddies and making autumn wreaths ready to take to church for the harvest service 🍂🍁
🎸 Rock Kidz 🎸
We had a brilliant time rocking with Rock Kidz this afternoon. We learnt all about positivity, being unique and celebrating what makes us special. Music, singing and a teacher vs children dance battle…we thought we might burst with excitement!⭐️
🤸 Our First PE Session! 🤸
We absolutely loved going into the hall for our first PE session today! We did amazing listening, moved our bodies in lots of different ways and tried really hard at getting changed independently.
🐿 Natural Art and a Surprise Squirrel! 🐿
Our Forest Friday challenge this week was to find natural materials to create our own family pictures and self portraits. We loved using acorns, sticks, leaves and pine cones to make our masterpieces. We also got to see a squirrel munching a nut, which was very exciting! We were amazing at tiptoeing quietly to get a closer look!
Phonics Spotters
We have absolutely loved beginning our phonics learning this week and have found lots of our new graphemes around the classroom, as well as objects beginning with our new phonemes.