
Welcome to Curlews
Welcome to the wonderful Curlews webpage.
What a wonderful Summer 1 half term we had with fantastic learning, super smiles, laughter and enthusiasm. Here’s hoping for a sunny and warm but not too hot final half-term in Curlews Class. It will be extremely busy with our end of year performance to rehearse and look forward to sharing with you.
PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please send in both outdoor and indoor kits and please label all the children's belongings. Please make sure earrings are taken out or covered with plasters on these days. For PE outside weekly, children need an outdoor navy or black PE kit with long jogging bottoms and top.
Please keep looking at this webpage as it is updated very regularly.
I hope you are ready to return for a brilliant, exciting and fun-filled half-term with great learning opportunities for our Curlews Class.
Class teacher: Mrs McMahon
Class teaching assistants: Miss Riley and Mrs Stephenson
PPA cover (Tuesday - one full day every two weeks) Mr Creed
If you have any questions, please contact the office or chat to me at the door in the morning or after school.
Stay updated on our learning adventures on:
Twitter: @Y2Torrisholme
On this page you will see our exciting learning journey throughout Year Two.
Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2023-24
Our Class Reading books this year are below. Click on the QR code to see the book!
Reading is so important!
Pick your next amazing reading book from the selection below and feed your mind in a way only books can satisfy!
Book suggestions courtesy of