Is it a circuit?

The children enjoyed exploring an envelope full of electrical components as their first dip into this practical unit.
Did they work out how to light a bulb? Of course they did!

Retrieval practise - what do you remember about the water cycle?

Exploring States of Matter
What is freezing?
What substances can you think of where you have experience of them changing state from a liquid to a solid?
Can you make a prediction?
How can we ensure our test is fair?
We conducted a fair test to observe how 5 everyday substances change state from a liquid into a solid, using our previous learning to support our understanding.
Exploring States of Matter
What is melting?
What substances can you think of where you have experience of them melting?
Can you make a prediction?
How do we conduct a fair test?
We conducted a fair test to observe the melting process on 5 everyday substances: ice cream, butter, margarine, chocolate & ice.
We were able to share our findings and conclusions on mentimeter.