Super Science at Torrisholme
“What I love about science is that as you learn, you don't really get answers. You just get better questions.” ― John Green
As a school, all classes took part in The Great Science Share on 11th June 2024. Please see year group links below for some of the amazing science questions that were investigated.
Super Science at Torrisholme 2022-2023
Year 6 loved carrying out Darwin’s finches beaks investigation to consolidate their understanding of Darwin’s theory of evolution and the reasons why animals needed to adapt to their environment in order to survive.
Super Understanding the World in Reception
Super Science in Year 3 - Magnet investigation, shadows, reflective materials and friction.
Year 4 - Exploring Electricity - can they create a circuit? Yes they can !
Year 4 - States of Matter
Exploring States of Matter in Year 4
What is melting?
What substances can you think of where you have experience of them melting?
Can you make a prediction?
How do you conduct a fair test?
Year 4 conducted a fair test to observe the melting process on 5 everyday substances: ice cream, butter, margarine, chocolate & ice.
They were able to share our findings and conclusions on mentimeter.
Year 5 creating lifecycles of insects, mammals and birds
Materials investigations in Year 2
Super practical science investigating in year 2
Year 2 used their knowledge of materials to create an umbrella for Mr Sensible and Mr Silly.
Our Shetland Ducks
Year 2 were lucky to incubate some Shetland duck eggs, they are an endangered species. When 4 ducks had hatched we enjoyed looking after them, holding them and watching them grow. They have now moved to their forever home in the Lake District.
Science Week - June 2022
What a super science week we had, lots of activities including:
- What does a scientist look like?
- Design an animal that could win every event at the Commonwealth Games.
- High fly Friday - creating flying planes and rockets and comparing them.
- Gentoo Penguin nest building investigation
- Super Science trail fun, investigating bubbles and different shapes and smelly cocktails.
Science Cake Competition
We held a competition to design a cake, look at some of the incredible designs.
Science Fair 2022
All children had a wonderful time at the science fair organised by our amazing year 6 children. The week ended with parents being invited to the fair, what fun, curiosity and learning we had. Thank you to all parents who supported the event.