Tuesday 05.01.21
We are going to look at the traditional tale 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' You can either click the link below to watch the story or you can use the PowerPoint attatched to read with your grown up. Then you are going to choose a character and act out part of the story e.g. You could be Goldilocks trying the 3 bowls of porridge, or you could be baby bear when he discovers his chair has broken. Ask your grown up to film you acting out the story and send it to us through the 'Evidence me' app.
Today we are going to practice using the inequality symbols to compare numbers. You can watch the video clip to remind you of the symbols and then complete the sheet in your paper pack. As a challenge you can then create your own statements using numbers up to 50 e.g. 27 < 45
Good luck Year 1 and we can't wait to see how you get on.
We are going to go on a dinosaur adventure over the next couple of days! At present over 700 different species of dinosaurs have been identified and names. However palaeontologists believe that many more new species are still to be discovered. We would like you to create your own junk model dinosaur. You could use yoghurt pots, tubes, cardboard boxes, egg boxes etc. What would your dinosaur be called? Please share your super creations by taking a photo and sending it to us using the 'Evidence Me' app. Get creating Year 1!

Please log onto our collins ebook library where your Year 1 teacher has assigned you some books to read. (Your log in details are in your yellow home school diary) Please record which books you have read in the home school diary or you could even send us a recording of you reading - we would love to hear you read!
In phonics today we would like you to practice our phase 4 phonics by playing the game in the link before. Can you read the words and then seperate them into real and nonsense words. Good luck Year 1!