Welcome to 2M
Wow! We have made it to the last half term, time in year 2 certainly flies! This half term will be full of fun and excitement and hopefully some good weather to get outside. I hope you have had a restful half term break and are ready to return for a fantastic, exciting and fun-filled half-term with great learning opportunities for our year 2 children.
Class teacher: Mrs McMahon
Class teaching assistants: Mrs Stephenson
PPA cover (Thursday morning): Miss Holmes
If you have any questions, please contact the office or chat to me at the door in the morning or after school.
Stay updated on our learning adventures on:
Twitter: @Y2Torrisholme
PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please send in both outdoor and indoor kits and please label all the children's belongings. Please make sure earrings are taken out or covered with plasters on these days.
On this page you will see our exciting learning journey throughout Year Two.
Curlews Class - Meet the Teacher 2023-24
Spelling Toolkit for helping Year 2 children with ways to learn spellings
Reading Vipers Questions - ask these questions when you are reading with your child.
Meet the Teacher Meeting - July 2022
Curriculum Overview 2022-23
Summer 2 2023
End of term treat - our own potatoes that we grew, s’mores and a sing song round the campfire 🔥
Bring Me Sunshine ☀️

Alice the Camel


Eddie the Penguin saves the World!
Year 2 production Wednesday 5th July
What a fantastic performance! We are so proud of each and everyone of our brilliant year 2 performers.
The Melting Song (Vocal).mp3
We're Great Big Polar Bears (Vocal).mp3
Turn Off The Tap! (Vocal).mp3
The Walking Song (Vocal).mp3
The Walking Song (Reprise) (Vocal).mp3
If You're Feeling Cool, Dress Hot! (Vocal).mp3
Trees (Vocal).mp3
The Recycling Song (Vocal).mp3
Use It Again (Vocal).mp3
One World (Vocal).mp3
Summer 1 2023
End of our Secret Agent Week - we went on a fun Secret Agent scavenger hunt!

#DrawWithRob Our St.Edward’s Coronation Crowns
Enjoyed our Coronation Picnic 🤴👑
Our Morecambe Trip on the Train - we had fun with some artwork, geography features and even the history of the train station.
Spring 2 2023
Lancaster Music Festival
Below are powerpoints and songs that the children need to learn off by heart. Please let them sing freely and enjoy it!
00 National Anthem.mp3
02 Funga a lafia.mp3
01 Magic Travel Machine 1.mp3
03 Alice The Camel.mp3
04 Kye Kye Kule.mp3
05 Bring Me Sunshine.mp3
06 Magic Travel Machine 2.mp3
07 North Wind Doth Blow.mp3
08 Minka.mp3
09 I Love The Mountains.mp3
10 I bought me a Cat.mp3
11 Magic Travel Machine 3.mp3
12 Maja Pade.mp3
13 Tingalayo.mp3
14 Chocolate Molinillo.mp3
15 Wonderful World.mp3
World Book Day - I’m gonna read a book today!

Spring 1 2023
Autumn 2
School Christmas Day fun!
Numbots Champions
Rock Kids
What fun we had with Rock Kids, we loved dancing, singing and learning an important message about anti-bullying.
Autumn 1